Viagra is a miracle blue pill that cures bad personal relations, depression and low self-esteem. Surely, it’s a joke. Viagra is used in medical practice for the treatment of erectile dysfunctions of various etiologies. As a result, a man without sexual problems feels better, recovers from the depression, has good relations with his wife or girlfriend and achieves good professional results.
The most important thing every man taking Viagra should remember is that Viagra does not treat the reason of the erectile dysfunction; it only treats the ED symptoms and helps the natural mechanisms work smoothly. Let’s find out how Viagra works exactly and why it cannot cure the erectile dysfunction completely.
First of all, let’s talk about the Viagra’s action. The pill has one active ingredient which is called Sildenafil. It has an inhibiting effect on the blood vessels of the penis and intensifies the blood flow. Thus, Viagra improves natural mechanisms of erection. Moreover, it works only if the man is sexually excited. Viagra shows bad results together with much alcohol (someone prefers to drink a little before sex in order to release psychological tension, however it’s much better to refrain from drinking completely) and fat and heavy food. Several diseases the man is suffering and medical drugs he is prescribed are the factors that influence the doctor’s decision to prescribe Viagra as an ED treatment drug. It refers to the following diseases: heart attack, cardio-vascular disorders, gastrointestinal problems, priapism and others (the complete list is always given in the medical insert). As far as the medications are concerned the major risk is connected with the taking of nitrate drugs such as nitroglycerin and others.
So, what about the reasons of the erectile problems Viagra is designed to treat? All of them can be divided into psychological, lifestyle and physiological ones. Psychological reasons can involve long-lasting depression, children traumas, strong psychological stress and so on. Possible sexual abuse at an early age or the first sexual experience which was not successful may result in sexual problems in later years. Of course, Viagra does not treat psychological problems. In this case one should apply to a therapist. In most cases the man can get rid of the erectile disorders in the course of the psychological treatment. Viagra can be taken just as a kind of support during the first sexual contacts. After that it can become needless to take Viagra as the man can conduct sexual intercourses at the very high level.
Lifestyle problems of the erectile dysfunctions are the most widely spread among all the others. The abundance of food (especially fast food), alcohol and other things that destroy our health together with the inactive lifestyle lead to the different sexual disorders. Look what most people do during the day: they get up, have breakfast, sit in the car and drive to the office where they sit again at the monitor the whole day, have lunch, coffee breaks etc., then sit in the car and drive home. There they have a good dinner and sit in front of the TV or PC monitor again for the entertainment. That’s all. We add alcohol and some cigarettes here and obtain the sad picture of the modern unhealthy lifestyle. Unhealthy fat food filled with hazardous food supplements leads to the increased estrogen and lower testosterone content in the man’s body. Alcohol and nicotine have a negative influence on blood vessels; inactive lifestyle results in different health disorders. All these factors cause various sexual disorders among which the erectile dysfunction is one of the most common. The problem is that these disorders become much younger: the quantity of 25 – 45 year old men diagnosed with the given problem is constantly increasing. Sport activity and correction of nutrition as well as abstinence and decision to quit smoking will have positive effect on the sexual health state.
The third group of factors influencing the quality of erection refers to the physiological disorders that are hypertension, different injuries of spinal cord and cerebrum, diabetes and other autoimmune diseases. All these disorders are connected with the damages of blood vessels and deterioration of the neurotransmission. Viagra will not cure the very disease. However, it can help men have perfect sexual life during the course of the treatment of the above-mentioned diseases.
In conclusion we should underline that despite the fact that Viagra does not treat the reason of erectile dysfunction it is a unique medication men can take no matter what their ED reason is. Together with the basic therapy Viagra will show the outstanding results. In order to obtain such results the man should consider several simple and yet important rules. First of all, he should not start taking Viagra without consulting the doctor. He should follow the doctor’s recommendations concerning the dosage, combinability with other medications and actions in case of any side effects. By following these simple rules the man will be able to restore his sexual power and to get success in all spheres of his life.
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