Have you ever wanted to see the world through the eyes of a mice or a dog? What if you could have a temporary super power that allowed you to do that? There is actually something that can make you become close to Bran Stark in terms of seeing the world through eyes of an animal. What do you need to do in order to do it? Develop erectile dysfunction and try Sildenafil Citrate.
While we all consider Viagra a very safe drug, no Rx medication come without its own risks and problems. One of the most dangerous things about Viagra is that it has side effects that occur rarely yet have some very dangerous consequences if left unanswered. The vast majority of common adverse effects was discovered during the clinical trials of the drug. Scientists quickly recognized that the medication can cause a large spectrum of minor side effects but none of common symptoms were concerning.

Before the drug entered the market, we did not know that people could develop allergy on the compound and that body could respond weirdly to the presence of PDE5 inhibitors since each of them has a unique way of affecting the body. For example, PDE5 inhibitor Tadalafil aka Cialis is a drug that affects hormonal secretion and may help reducing levels of testosterone effectively slowing down the growth of the prostate gland and even helping to revert some of changes. Sildenafil Citrate also has its own effects and one of them is related to our vision.
After Sildenafil Citrate hit the market, a new wave of rare adverse effects was discovered. Before discovering them, scientists believed that the worst that could happen is back pain that usually wore off within a couple of hours after the intake with the most troubling cases extending the pain to 12-14 hours. However, the field testing revealed way more problems that we initially thought were there:
- A condition characterized by strong erection lasting for up to 4 hours. This is a very dangerous situation and it can easily lead to permanent irreversible damage to penile tissues. This happens rarely, but it is truly a frightening symptom.
- Change in perception. A sudden loss of hearing and vision was reported many times by patients who tried Viagra. This happens rarely and will trouble less than 1% of all men using the drug, but it is quite concerning and should be addressed immediately. The severity of changes depends on various factors and some of changes can be quite concerning.
These symptoms a temporary but damage can be significant if you do not seek for medical attention seconds after experiencing any changes in vision. However, one of them is quite interesting and can even entertain you while you are on your way to the clinic. In order to learn more, let’s talk about the Purkinje cell.
Related: Understanding the effects of Sildenafil treatment on erection maintenance and erection hardness
The Wonders of Purkinje Effect
One of the most interesting physiological reactions of your perception system is called Purkinje effect and it is the response to darkness. The effect is also called shift or adaptation. The human eye is a sophisticated apparatus created by nature over millions years of evolution. It is a very complicated mechanism that gathers a lot of information and allows our brains to interpret it in the simplest way possible. Before we talk more about this effect, we must talk about why we see colors in the first place.
Without colors the whole world would look grayish and lost a lot of depth. This is a problem for many reasons. Firstly, we would be way less aware of our surroundings and possibly eaten by predators sneaking in a patch ahead of you and completely blending with the surroundings. In order to quickly assess information about the surroundings, we need to be able to distinguish objects from one another and classify similar ones. This is why we quickly start learning and see warning signs around us: blue berries are dangerous, red beetles will burn your skin, and yellow flying things will sting if you attack them.
Colors allow us to react to surroundings without even thinking about it. You see the object, you compare it to your internal database by size and color, you react. Color and size are often only things that you need to see in order to start reacting before even realizing why you do it. The most important signaling system of your brain is hearing, but vision and especially ability to recognize colors is not lagging far behind. We need to see colors in order to evaluate the level of danger.
This is why the organism developed a very interesting response called Purkinje shift – the tendency of the eye to quickly move from seeing colors in another spectrum when there is insufficient light. During dawns and dusks, the amount of light we can use is quite low and we see everything in bluish palette with less vibrant colors. This is due to the urge of the nervous system to up the contrast and make objects more distinct. This is a very important survival mechanism that we still utilize to the fullest potential without really thinking about it.
It usually takes some time for the effect to take place. This is why you slowly adapt to dimly lit environments and have to see in reddish palette for some time before finally seeing everything in slightly darker spectrum.
How does it all connect to Viagra? This is why we need a bit more about PDE5 inhibitors and the effect of Sildenafil Citrate on our bodies. Don’t worry, we won’t spend the whole time pandering you with sophisticated scientific terms and will try to give you enough information about the issue at the same time. Let’s learn more about your supernatural ability to see like some animals do.

Viagra as a Mysterious Elixir
The mighty blue pill has definitely changed the world. Sildenafil Citrate, the main component of generic Viagra, was conceived in laboratories in the end of 1980s. It took nearly a decade of clinical research to find out that this compound initially developed as a treatment against arterial hypertension and angina had an intriguing side effect. During the first round of clinical trials, the group of researchers noticed that the drug helped patients with hypertension to achieve and control erection.
The main obstacle for sexual activity for many men with hypertension is that arteries are tense and do not allow for an easy blood flow. This means that blood cannot really fill cavernous tissues in the penis and make it hard.
The discovery of the adverse effect was something that changed the face of the industry. After the drug hit the shelves of pharmacies in 1998, the reaction of people was expectedly enthusiastic and shelves were clean within weeks. For two years, the drug had been the best-selling medication for ED in America and it had to move slightly only after the arrival of its direct competitor Cialis/Tadalafil. The incredible financial success of the product clouded the minds of corporate scientists who did not want to study some other aspects of PDE5 inhibitors.
You see, each PDE5 inhibitor can work as a blocker of other phosphodiesterase enzymes including PDE6, for example. This enzyme operates in our retinas and affects how we see the world. While the effect of Viagra on PDE6 is about 10 times lesser compared to the effect on PDE5, some changes are inevitable in overly sensitive patients. Sildenafil Citrate is the only drug from the PDE5 inhibitor family that may affect eyes in a significant way. PDE6 controls photoreceptors and cells in retina in general.
What happens from time to time is that the drug inhibits the production of PDE6 and forces some temporary changes in vision. These changes are usually very brief and will perish when the drug is metabolized fully. Changes may include shifting to a darker palette in terms of color perception just like you would see in dim places. You may also completely lose the sense of color starting to perceive the world like animals with less developed sight do. While there is a successful myth that dogs cannot see color, they actually do and you may see even less if PDE6 is inhibited strongly enough. You will see like a mouse.
Generic Viagra (read Canadian Health&Care Mall guide: https://www.canadahealthcaremall.com/viagra-generic) rarely (in less than 0.8% of cases) may cause the total loss of color perception. This is also a temporary condition and people should not panic when experiencing something like that, but visiting your doctor immediately is still recommended. Such reactions may indicate that you have rare conditions of eyes and retina. To avoid such issues, you could switch to other PDE5 inhibitors that usually affect other enzymes. For example, Tadalafil affects PDE11 more than PDE6.
While starting to see the world in gray colors is something that may happen to you, Purkinje shift is a frequently occurring condition that may affect up to 2.5%-5% of all patients using the drug. This is a less concerning issue and should not be very troubling. However, reporting to your medical health provider is recommended.
The Cost of Superpowers
Seeing as some animals is quite entertaining and troubling at the same time. Remember that the human body is designed in a certain way and it has its own physiological mechanisms that should work as intended. Altering the natural way of using our senses is never a good idea. This is why Sildenafil Citrate and generic Viagra with other active ingredients should not be taken lightly. Some people should not be using this drug and instead switch to other alternatives. There are also similar drugs like Vardenafil/Levitra and Tadalafil/Cialis.
Instead of trying to overload your body with an Rx medication to try and change your vision, why don’t you just walk out during the dusk. Less light will make your eyes see the world in new colors and you won’t need to swallow blue pills.
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