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Stress and Pain Relief

Six Sex Benefits for Health

According to opinion of all men’s magazines, bed is the best gymnastic apparatus. Reportedly, a human has sex in average 4200 times in the course of a lifetime. It is equal to about 4200 hours. A man in turn thinks of sex once per three minutes. Why is sexual intercourse so attractive for humanity? From

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Scabies Sum-Up: Recognize Symptoms And Learn About The Causes And Treatments

General Description of Scabies Scabies, also known as “the seven-year-itch,” is a skin condition caused by the type of skin mites generally referred to as Sarcoptes scabiei. The agents of scabies can live on the skin’s surface for a period up to a couple of months. After that, the mites lay their eggs under the

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Neurological Erectile Dysfunction

What Is Neurological Erectile Dysfunction and How Is It Treated?

In the past impotence was regarded as a physiological problem only. Now it’s obvious that it can be provoked by factors that are different in nature. And neurological is one of them. A so-called neurological ED is a quite young condition, yet unfortunately, it has already made many males suffer. The neurological causes are problems

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What Must Be Done After Impotence Diagnosis?

Good for you, if you have finally made up your mind to treat erectile dysfunction that has influenced your sexual life. But the fact you’ve arranged an appointment, doesn’t mean you did your job. The process is a durable one and it starts with diagnosing – a very important stage for the right choice of

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Can Generic Cialis Cause Spontaneous Erections?

What Is Generic Cialis? Generic Cialis medicine has a high efficiency which not only improves erectile functioning, but also allows a patient to restore natural sexual relations. Cialis is safe, effective, convenient for use and secure. It restores normal sexual life for men suffering from erectile dysfunction and releases them from constant thoughts about therapy

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Can Viagra (Sildenafil) Affect Testosterone Levels?

Testosterone – What Is It? Testosterone is exclusively male hormone which is produced in testicles by spermary cells called Leydig’s cells and are synthesized by androstenedione which is developed in zona reticularis. In average, an organism can synthesize from 6-7 milligram of testosterone per day, and its level in human blood may vary from 300

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Does Generic Cialis Work as a Male Birth Control Pill?

Not all people who have relations want to be parents. And this presents big problems especially in cases when they do not know how to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Contraception is not only protection against unwanted pregnancy, it is preservation of your health in order to give birth to a child when you want it in

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Vitaros Cream from Canada (Alprostadil): Advantages, Usage, Safety Information

Creams for Erectile Dysfunction Boost vs Tablets For a man, erectile dysfunction is a nightmare which may come true any moment. Sexual system is a highly-fine-tuned mechanism influenced by a great variety of factors. Aging is one of them resulting in endocrine profile change. There are also diseases and wrong lifeway consequences as well as

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Cancer disease

10 Cancer-fighting Products: WHO Recommends

Amongst great variety of different diseases, such horrible one as cancer must be always watched. For many a year, physicians and scientists of all countries seek for dependable methods to combat this ailment. At definite point, this disease cannot be cured at all. In occasion, people have early stages of it they still would have

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Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a condition caused by an infection of the reproductive organs in women. The pelvis is located in the lower abdomen, and includes the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, the uterus, and the cervix. Several types of bacteria can be the cause of PID, including bacteria that causes sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such

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