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Table of Contents:
Why Is Propecia a Number One Remedy for Hair Loss?
- What Is Alopecia?
- Causes of Alopecia
- Propecia: What Is It and How Does It Work?
- What Is the Effect of Propecia on Body?
- Propecia: Test Results
- Efficiency of Propecia
- Why Should Propecia Be Taken for a Long Time?
- Composition
- Propecia Contraindications
- Propecia Instructions to Use
- Propecia Shelf Life
- Frequently Asked Questions about Propecia
Propecia is developed for those who do not want to be reconciled with hair loss affecting their look and countenance. This drug works flawlessly improving hair follicles and making you forget about alopecia forever.
Why Is Propecia a Number One Remedy for Hair Loss?
Propecia is a drug for men and women treating alopecia and reducing hair loss. Regular hair loss is one of the most common problems of modern men and women. Hundreds of men all over the world suffer from alopecia that can occur both at a young and elderly age.
In some cases, hair loss is accompanied by severe nervous stress or overexcitation, in others it is the result of previous diseases of cardiovascular system or bad hereditary predisposition. Anyway, there is no reason to worry about hair loss, because in the beginning of the 21st century a way out of this situation was found and named Propecia. It copes well with not only its direct purpose, but also struggles against issues caused by genetic predisposition to the development of this alopecia. Propecia provides perfect results in a few months.
What Is Alopecia?
Alopecia - this word came to us from Ancient Greece denoting baldness. This term in medicine refers to hair loss that is pathological in nature and causes complete loss of hair, or its significant thinning in large areas of scalp or trunk.
Among the widespread types of this disease is called focal, symptomatic, scarring, and finally, androgenetic alopecia. On this latter we will dwell in detail, as it develops under the influence of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the active form of the sex hormone in men, and is responsible for more than 95% of cases of baldness in the stronger sex. Hair follicles contain 5-alpha-reductase, an enzyme that interacts with testosterone that leads to follicle dystrophy beginning to produce short and colorless hair. Such vegetation is already unable to cover certain areas of the head, there is a noticeable bald patch.
The hair follicle of women also contains 5-alpha-reductase, but the male sex hormone in the female body is present in a much smaller amount, and DHT is formed less. Androgenetic alopecia in the weaker sex has a less pronounced clinical picture, affecting mainly the central areas of the head, the so-called “parting”. On the lateral surfaces of a woman's head, thinning and hair loss is not so extensive, while baldness in men is more noticeable, as androgenetic alopecia is more prone to parietal and frontal areas of the head. This is explained by the fact that not all hair follicles are equally sensitive to male sex hormones. This indicator is strictly individual for each person, but it is in these zones that the most sensitive dihydrotestosterone follicles are located.
It is well known that human hair is constantly renovated. With the loss of about fifty or even a hundred and fifty hairs a day, organism makes up for the loss, and this replacement is imperceptible and painless for the body. Visually, unnecessary hair loss becomes visible only after losing 15% of hair. And this is an occasion to sound the alarm and take urgent measures to save hair. To prevent a serious hair loss, you should pay attention to intensity of hair loss: daily amount remaining on the comb or in bath tub after washing your head, the quantity of thinning areas or even bald spots. Abundant loss of hair while combing and thinning hair are the first signs of alopecia.
Do not rely on the prevailing view that the appearance of a man does not matter for women. This statement was invented earlier, when there were no effective ways to combat hair loss, and there was nothing else to do but to reconcile with the situation. Science does not stand still. Our medicine claims that you can and should fight with such a cosmetic problem as baldness. Although bald head does not cause physical discomfort to its owner, it strongly changes his appearance. It goes without saying that you can get used to your new countenance, if necessary, change photos on documents, and enjoy life. But if you are experiencing psychological discomfort, do not agree to put up with this state of affairs and want to fight for your fluffy head of hair, modern medicine is ready to offer you an excellent drug that will help solve the problem of baldness, Propecia.
Causes of Alopecia
Alopecia is a disease characterized by hair loss on head and impairment new hair growth.
At present, the following types of disease are described in the medical literature:
- Focal alopecia (in other words, circular alopecia);
- Alopecia areata;
- Alopecia occurring after a traumatic situation;
- Diffuse alopecia;
- Alopecia based on hereditary factors;
- Androgenic alopecia;
- Seborrheic alopecia;
- Alopecia, accompanied by scar formation (cicatricial alopecia).
Etiology of some forms of this disease is not completely studied; therefore, alopecia is considered to be a multifactorial disease. The risk of focal alopecia may lie in stressful situations, prolonged intoxication or autoimmune processes. Hair loss can also develop due to unfavorable heredity or as a result of a traumatic situation, due to pulling out of hair during a fight, a game, etc. Alopecia can cause constriction of hair when styling them in a hairdo. The appearance of cosmetic alopecia with frequent use of crimpers for straightening or curling hair and application of hot hair stylers.
The cause of alopecia can be hormonal disorders as well. An imbalance of androgens and estrogens can cause the development of so-called androgenic alopecia and is manifested in a mild form in men, is not a cause for concern and is not considered a pathological process. In women, such a violation of the ratio of hormones can be the cause of increased production of androgens by adrenals or ovaries.
A consequence of prolonged intoxication, chronic poisoning, long-lasting severe infectious diseases can be diffuse alopecia. This pathology often accompanies the course of pregnancy. Alopecia can be transmitted from generation to generation. In this case, it is a hereditary disorder. Most often, the type of inheritance is autosomal recessive, but in some cases, an autosomal dominant type of transmission of genetic information is also uncovered.
If alopecia is caused by destruction of the hair follicles due to the appearance of scar tissue on skin, then this pathology should be attributed to cicatricial alopecia. Various skin injuries (burns, exposure to radiation), manifestation of some infectious diseases, such as syphilis, tuberculosis, leishmaniasis, or tumor growth may cause scar alopecia.
Propecia: What Is It and How Does It Work?
Propecia (finasteride) is a modern preparation that appeared not so long ago on world pharmaceutical markets but has already received a lot of positive reviews. The reception of finasteride is a drug therapy is the most accessible form of combating baldness, along with such approaches to treatment as laser therapy and hair transplantation.
Propecia received the approval of the European Medicines Agency and was recommended by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which confirmed the clinical efficacy and safety of this drug. Earlier, in addition to Propecia, approval of these organizations received only one drug for alopecia – minoxidil that was originally created to treat hypertension.
Propecia is a unique drug. These are the first tablets in the world effectively eliminating the problem of baldness. Efficiency and duration of impact on treatment of androgenetic alopecia with Propecia is much higher than the one of minoxidil. Thus, now these tablets are called “a number two medicine” for men legging behind the leader of sales - Viagra.
After successful clinical trials, the popularity of Propecia is steadily growing. As already noted, the active substance of Propecia is finasteride which became widespread in 1992 when it was used in medical practice for the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia. Men who received the treatment of baldness with finasteride began to note the increase in hair growth on forehead and head.
What Is the Effect of Propecia on Body?
The thing is that the excess of dihydrotestosterone, one of the male hormones needed at the stage of development and maturation of the male body, leads to alopecia with age. The accumulation of DHT in hair follicles leads to their dystrophy and gradual narrowing and causes termination of hair growth its further death. For the formation of dihydrotestosterone, 5-alpha-reductase is necessary and the active substance of Propecia, being an inhibitor of this enzyme, prevents the formation of DHT in hair follicles and allows successfully to combat the cause of baldness. Decrease in DHT level better affects the structure and condition of hair. It acquires a healthy look and the ability to grow and replace and restore fallen hair.
Propecia: Test Results
Clinical studies confirm the high efficacy of Propecia. According to clinical trials, under 90% of men noticed that their hair stopped falling out. A year later, half of the patients resumed their hair growth. And after 18 months, the percentage of men whose hair acquired a “second life” rose to 66%. Propecia provides tremendous results: it restores hair follicles on the crown and eliminates bald patches on forehead ideally coping with the so-called male pattern of alopecia. Before Propecia was developed, it was thought that these areas of the head are the least treatable, since it is there that hair follicles are sensitive to the effects of the male sex hormone. This drug with proven effectiveness returns hair to men.
Efficiency of Propecia
As for the treatment of female androgenetic alopecia, Propecia could be just as effective, but its main active ingredient, finasteride, increases the likelihood of congenital anomalies in fetus in pregnant women. This circumstance forced the development company Merck & Co. Inc. to categorically prohibit the use of Propecia by women of childbearing age.
Since finasteride is really effective in combating hair loss, it is becoming increasingly popular all over the world. It is noteworthy that the regular reception of finasteride leads to the renewal of follicles that produce cannula hair and stimulates the growth of full-fledged real hair. It is quite natural that the final results can be different depending on the individual characteristics of the human body.
Until now, it was believed that to cure androgenetic alopecia with one hundred percent effectiveness is possible only in women. The effectiveness of drug therapy for men is usually determined by stages of the disease according to the Norwood scale from I to VII, and it is recommended to begin treatment of baldness as early as possible in order to achieve a better effect. As research has shown, even in advanced cases of disease, the use of Propecia allows, if not to return the lost hair completely, then at least completely prevent further baldness, and keep the remaining amount of hair.
If you have patience and perseverance, repeat treatment courses, a year later, or a little more, you can leave problems with alopecia in the past, and admire a much more lush and thick hairstyle.
Why Should Propecia Be Taken for a Long Time?
The development of DHT hormone begins to get blocked immediately after the beginning of therapy course. However, damaged hair follicles need time to restore normal functioning. Even healthy hair grows very slowly, about 1 cm per month, so to replace thinning hair and get visible improvement a several-months therapy with finasteride is required. Therefore, Propecia should be taken daily within the course of three months or longer. Termination of therapy can often be accompanied by relapses, it is better to immediately adjust to a long and successful treatment of alopecia. In case you forgot to take the medicine, just skip this day and continue the course of treatment with initial dosage. Unauthorized increase in assigned dose of the drug is unacceptable, as it accelerates the risk of side-effects. Gradually, you will begin to notice improvements and after about halfway through a year you will see healthy newly-grown hair that will return a young and fresh appearance.
Propecia is a medicinal product that includes the active substance, finasteride (1 mg). Finasteride is an inhibitor of the enzyme the main function of which is conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. This substance was in demand in 1990s when specialists in the urological practice started medical treatment of hyperplasia.
In addition to the main substance, the composition contains auxiliary components, including magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch, sodium starch, lauryl macrogol glyceride.
Propecia is produced in the form of small capsules of octagonal shape. The cost of tablets varies due to the number of capsules in the package.
Propecia Contraindications
Propecia is prohibited to pregnant and lactating women. Due to the presence of a large number of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors in the female body, testosterone is not able to get transformed into an active element provoking occurrence of some abnormalities in the reproductive system of fetus. The drug is contraindicative to children and aged people. Moreover, if you have a hypersensitivity to use of substances in the composition of Propecia, refuse the usage of this drug.
Side-effects of tablets include:
- Sharp decrease in libido
- Erectile dysfunction
- Occurrence of symptoms of erectile issues
- Reducing semen amount
Propecia Instructions to Use
The effect of taking this medication is experienced only in case of its regular use. Take Propecia tablet one time a day (not fasted) with a lot of warm water. The daily dose should be established by direct examination of the patient by his or her attending physician.
Do not self-medicate, since the misuse of generic drugs can give quite an opposite effect. Usually the duration of the therapeutic course takes 3 to 6 months without interruption. The duration of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of a particular patient’s organism, as well as on the growth rate of his hair. After therapy course termination, hair returns to its original state for the next few months.
Propecia Shelf Life
In order to get the expected effect and tangible results, it is necessary to take Propecia by carefully following all the instructions and prescriptions. If you have not previously used this drug, it is better to consult a qualified specialist who can analyze your problem, identify the causes of it, and prescribe an effective therapy course.
With regard to storage conditions, the product should be stored in a dark and cool room, the air temperature of which should not exceed 20-30 degrees Celsius. Store Propecia away from children.