While erectile dysfunction is a male’s problem, lack of sex desire is just what many women are to deal with. It happened so that for years most scientists have been working on impotence pill improvement instead of finding the cure for sexual disorder in females. Luckily, things have changed and today there is a notion of female Viagra, but should one really call it Viagra?
Sexual Problems in Women Differ from Male’s ED. How So?
Numerous things can influence sexual desire in women. The problems appear because of lack of desire, low libido, arousal difficulties, etc. Here’s a more detailed list of possible triggers that will help in understanding why female issues can be twice as serious as those of men:
- daily stress influences desire for sex in more than 67% of all women;
- elusive orgasms cause concerns that sooner or later trigger a loss of sexual interest;
- lows in one’s desire normally coincide with great life changes, relationship problems, menopause, pregnancy, etc.;
- multiple sclerosis, diabetes and other chronic diseases alter the sexual-response cycle in females, which leads to changes either in orgasmic response or arousal, or both;
- psychological troubles, past experiences and lack of intimacy lead to biological issues.
Today there are still many disputes as to what is more troublesome: erectile dysfunction that affects males or sexual dysfunction that appear in females. Most scientists found it hard to give a proper answer. Yet now their greater part is sure that sexual disorder in women is surely a more troublesome condition due to two facts: it hasn’t been examined and studied yet AND it has no medical solution. Or it has… ?
New Female Viagra – Flibanserin (Addyi)

Flibanserin drug is treated as the libido enhancement medication that has been recently approved by the FDA. It has a quite long and interesting history that helps in better understanding of its work. Flibanserin was studied by pharmacologists in 1995 as an antidepressant. Drug’s main benefit was its unique ability to regulate the brain’s chemical-signaling molecules. In other words, Flibanserin (more information here) has been proven to regulate the three main neurotransmitters – norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine. Nevertheless, a detailed research proved that Flibanserin could play a major role in women’s sexual health.
In time the new medication was named Female Viagra, though it has nothing in common with a magic blue pill. Real Viagra enhances performance and Flibanserin balances the brain’s chemicals and correlates desire.
How Does the Revolutionary Female Viagra Work?
It is proven that Female Viagra meets practically all expectations and triggers fewer side effects than pills for male’s impotence. Though it is forbidden to prescribe Viagra to females, if a woman takes a blue pill, she’ll experience the increase of the blood flow in her vaginal region. The levels of sensitivity will be increased and there will appear natural lubrication, etc. Yet it won’t evoke sexual desire.
Women with psychological symptoms of sexual disorder gain benefits from female Viagra. The major ones are:
- boosted sexual call;
- boosted libido;
- multiple climaxes;
- sensitivity to stimulation.
The medication is effective in women with hysterectomy and menopause below 50 years. Female Viagra should be taken orally and on a daily basis. Unlike blue pills, this isn’t the remedy that is used when needed. It is a part of a treatment course and it must be taken regularly to ensure better effects and cure the condition.
Women who take Female Viagra report more sexually satisfying sexual events after the 1st month of medication consumption. What about the side effects? The FDA approved medication comes with numerous safety measures, because it may lead to severe side effects. The medication is always prescribed after professional consultation as far not every woman is allowed to take it. The potential side effects that all doctors talk about are:
- nausea;
- fainting;
- low blood pressure;
- vomiting
Perhaps the only common thing between female and male Viagra is that both medications aren’t allowed to be combined with alcoholic drinks.
Choosing Something Different Than Female Viagra (Viagra for Women)
There are new pharmaceutical products that provide effects similar to those provided by female Viagra. Most of them are less effective and a woman needs time to find the one that suits her needs, yet still they all are much safer and cause fewer adverse reactions and complications.
Most new medications increase the blood flow to the genitals, thus making the vaginal muscles relax and increasing lubrication. Here are already available treatments and products:
- DHED – Dehydroepiandrosterone: the use of supplements of the male hormone produced by the ovaries and the adrenal glands. It is converted into estrogen and testosterone. The option is effective, yet there is the risk of side effects;
- testosterone therapy: this treatment option is chosen mainly by those women, who have undergone the ovary removal (oophorectomy or hysterectomy). There was created a special testosterone patch that improves women’s sexual health. However, it’s not approved by the FDA as it has failed the trial;
- L-arginine amino acid cream: it’s used to increase the vaginal blood flow. The acid cream uses the amino acid that was initially used by the athletes for muscle development increase.
It is true that most of the alternative medications require a closer look and monitoring as they can lead to the occurrence of adverse reactions or even some irreversible changes in facial hair or voice. What’s the way out? We suggest visiting your physician and discussing the possibility of Female Viagra prescription. But at the same time we insist on exercising more and using lubrication products that act as natural alternatives to female Viagra and also improve the overall health. Get ready to a long-lasting treatment process and hard work. The process will require more than only time. Yet, if you want to save your sexual life, that’s the only way out.
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