Headache is not just an unpleasant symptom. When the head hurts, the world seems to stop - it becomes impossible to work, study, do household chores, even ordinary rest does not bring pleasure. Why does it happen, how to deal with it and what to do with a headache? Specialist of the Canadian Heath&Care Mall will answer these questions.
Causes of headache
Headache is a nonspecific symptom inherent to the different conditions and diseases. Neurologists are paying a lot of attention to this problem due to its high prevalence. Agreed that there are two etiological groups:

- primary headaches (tension, cluster, migraine) is a mechanism of their appearance has been insufficiently studied in detail; there is a theory incoordination of blood vessels, metabolic mediators in the nervous tissue, and others;
- secondary headaches occur from other diseases as one of several symptoms.
Secondary headaches can be caused by a rather large list of reasons, among which primarily the following:
- the increase or decrease of blood pressure;
- increased intracranial pressure (brain tumor, hemorrhage in trauma or hemorrhagic stroke, disorders liquorodynamic system);
- intoxication (alcohol, nicotine, after Shisha, drugs, paints, carbon monoxide and other substances);
- infectious disease (ARI, influenza, meningitis, encephalitis);
- traumatic brain injury;
- osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
- diseases of ENT-organs (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis) and teeth;
- side effects from medication;
- weather dependent (malaise «weather»);
- after physical exertion (in the heat, after a bath);
- premenstrual syndrome.
The most common primary headaches – up to 90%. A tension headache is a constant, uniformly oppressive, monotonous, usually in the forehead. Her power is almost unchanged. Patients describe it as shrinking the wrap. Occurs in people experiencing a nervous overload, occupying responsible positions.
What to do with constant headaches?
What to do if you have a headache, if it is constantly tormented? The answer to this question is straightforward: you should consult a doctor to determine the root cause of the problem. After all, the head hurts for a reason. The doctor can measure your blood pressure, examine the fundus, and check the intraocular pressure. In addition, he can ask you some leading questions that will help him to clarify the situation:
- how frequent are headaches?
- concretization of pain: in which part of the head is soreness observed?
- daily dependence of pain: when does it hurt? In the morning, in the evening, at night?
- what other symptoms appeared along with pain in the head?
- does it make you sick during the seizure?
- are there any simultaneous problems with vision?
- is there a feeling of weakness, is the head spinning?
- is the irritation caused by sharp light?
- what medications have you taken recently or are taking now?
- Have you had a recent cold or flu?
- Did you get a head injury?
Are you nervous or conflicted?
- Do you have depression?
- how do you think yourself, why can you have a headache
In unclear situations, when it is not possible to determine the cause of the headache, a magnetic resonance or computed tomography procedure may be prescribed. These are photographs of various parts of the brain that provide complete information and help to identify the problem.
First aid
When your head hurts, there are several ways to alleviate the condition without drugs:
- find a comfortable position – lying or semi-sitting,
- in the rest room should not be bright light and sharp sounds,
- if you are overworked, give yourself a rest – try to sleep
- if you were long in a stuffy room, get out into the fresh air,
- and if you feel neck is stiff, knead it slowly, follow the turns and head tilts in different directions,
- sometimes the condition is alleviated by eating small portions of light food,
- measure blood pressure: at low level, drink a Cup of coffee (better ground than instant).
In extreme cases, take pain-killers (Nimesulide, acetylsalicylic acid, Ibuprofen). Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is not appointed children up to 15 years because of the risk of Reye’s syndrome. In nursing mothers drug may get to the baby with breast milk. Pregnant women also should not choose the medicines on their own.
If you have no time or desire to see a doctor you can gat a consultation of the Canadian Health&Care Mall specialist who can also recommend the right medication for your case.
What to do with persistent headaches?
With a strong headache, you can call an ambulance. Especially if it is accompanied by disturbance of sensation or paralysis in a particular limb – it can be a sign of stroke. If the pain is well removable with the medicines, but occur frequently, you need to consult your doctor-the therapist, consult a neurologist. Only a specialist can determine the cause and to select appropriate medical treatment. To take painkillers constantly is very dangerous – they can cause a paradoxical amplification of headaches, hemorrhagic syndrome and stomach ulcers.
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