Many women mistakenly believe that the most terrible and widespread disease is considered to be a breast cancer. However, there are many other dangerous diseases with the risk of serious health complications and where the risks of dying are higher than cancer patients have. The worst thing is that the symptoms of these diseases are minor or completely unnoticeable until it’s too late. Therefore it is very important to listen to your body and do not neglect a regular medical examination. Among the most dangerous "female" diseases Canadian Health&Care Mall experts names the following ones:
- Heart diseases
A heart disease is considered the most dangerous disease both in men and women, there is no doubt about it. British scientists proved that today a heart disease among women is one of the most common diseases that can deliver fatal health problems. At the same time most women die from a coronary heart disease. The most susceptible to such diseases are women over 50 years old.
- Diabetes
From this disease a large number of women does annually. Nearly a third of patients does not even know that they have diabetes, which means there are opportunities to prevent the development of this terrible disease at an early stage. Uncontrolled diabetes can also lead to a heart disease, a kidney disease and other unpleasant consequences.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
These diseases are inflammatory ones in nature. Pelvic infections of tubes, ovaries, and uterus can be quite dangerous if remain untreated for a long time. Most often, these diseases are caused by bacteria, which tend to move from a vagina or cervix into uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes or pelvis. Genital infections are usually sexually transmitted. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are caused by bacteria that trigger the majority of cases of a pelvic inflammatory disease. Another way of transmission of these diseases is a surgical one. Due to non-compliance with sanitary norms, the infection can be transmitted through the tools during the medical examination, birth or other procedures. These infections amenable to antibiotic treatment, if any they are identified in the early stages. More advanced cases require a surgical intervention. If there is no an appropriate treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease it can become fatal.
- Breast cancer
Unfortunately, this disease among young women and middle-aged women is very common. Breast cancer occurs in one out of eight women, especially in women of childbearing age being the most widespread reason of death among women from 45 to 55 years old. In the early stages of its development a malignant tumor has almost no visible symptoms. However, the timely diagnosis and detection of the disease play a very important role in the further treatment.
- Cervical cancer
Normally, cervical cancer develops slowly. Cervical cancer is always caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). Today this virus is diagnosed in every second woman. Therefore, doctors recommend to reduce the risk of cervical cancer with regular Pap-pass as a special test. This is a simple smear test, which helps examine cervix cells and diagnose cancer in its earliest stages. When diagnosed early this type of cancer is treatable.
The most common diseases of the reproductive system in women

- Malformations of a reproductive system. Malformations occur relatively rarely and their causes are infectious diseases, intoxication, transferred by a mother during pregnancy. They may be expressed as a violation of a normal genital anatomical structure. Some types of birth defects are doubling of the uterus, vagina, genital functions. The absence of a vagina is accompanied by amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). The wrong position of genital organs, especially the uterus, shifts down until the loss of a genital slit, bends and kinks associated with impaired uterine tone, this can lead to partial or complete infertility;
- Benign and malignant tumors. In female genital organs, often in the uterus and ovaries, both benign and malignant tumors can be developed. In most cases, fibroids can occur during a disturbed menstrual cycle. Uterine fibroids may be asymptomatic, but it can also cause spontaneous miscarriages and infertility. Fibroids are detected during gynecological examination or ultrasonographic diagnosis;
- Ovarian cysts may occur and does not often detected only by careful gynecological examination. However, there is possible torsion of the cyst accompanied by sharp pains in an abdomen, vomiting and sometimes fever. Such patients are in need of urgent hospitalization for the surgical treatment. Malignant tumors (cancer of the uterus and ovaries) often occur in menopause and close to the period. Therefore, early detection and timely treatment of cancer by all women should be done 2 times a year to visit a gynecologist, even if anything does not bother you and you feel quite healthy.
Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in women

The cause of inflammatory diseases of female genital organs is a set of pathogens in the genital tract. Depending on the pre-emptive destruction of those or other reproductive organs there are following diseases distinguished:
- Dysmenorrhea - inflammation of the uterus;
- Cervicitis - inflammation of the cervix;
- Cervical erosion;
- Coleitis - inflammation of the vagina;
- Vulvitis - an inflammation of external genitalia.
Ingress of pathogens in a reproductive tract of women contributes to the failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene and casual sex hygiene, which, moreover, are fraught with the danger of getting an infection like trichomoniasis, gonorrhea and syphilis. Moreover, with the weakening of a body's infection that can be brought in a woman's genitals through the blood and lymphatic vessels. That is why it is very important to visit a gynecologist every 6 months.
Sustainable menstrual cycle and its possible complications to women’s health
The menstrual cycle can vary significantly though a woman's life. However, if it is changing very rapidly, it’s possible that a woman is suffering from secondary amenorrhea. This complication often occurs after an inflammatory process that affects the ovaries. Such complications have a negative impact on a woman's ability to conceive or bear a child. Without a proper treatment, even the most simple of gynecological diseases can lead to very negative consequences.
Diseases can affect other reproductive organs or even lead to infertility. Almost all of these diseases in the early stages can be cured. Therefore, it is very important not to miss scheduled visits to the gynecologist twice a year. Also, a doctor should contact if you have a concern: pain in a lower abdomen, vaginal bleeding, uncharacteristic vaginal discharge, itching or a burning sensation in a vagina and genital organs. To avoid many gynecological diseases, protect yourself during a sexual intercourse with an unfamiliar partner. Also try not to overwork, avoid stressful situations. Remember that inflammatory processes can cause hypothermia. Therefore, always dress warm for a cold weather and protect your back and lower bottom from cold temperature.
Canadian Health&Care Mall experts can offer free consulting for women who are afraid of getting any specific “female” disorders. Use the contacts given on the website, apply your questions and read the FAQ section before start panicking – maybe your health problem is that serious as you think. Also check our section of Women Health Products where the most common and required medications are gathered to make sure you stay healthy.
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